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Journey to Self
A Yoga program for self development

Do you want to go through life more satisfied and relaxed? Get to know yourself better and thus make the right decisions? Do you want to live up to the longing in your heart?


Yogaherz has developed a spiritual program for you to help you with your individual process. It is based on my own experiences that worked to transform my life. 


Content of the program:


✓ Yoga Philosophy 

✓ Science of Epigenetics

✓ 12 steps tradition

✓ Kundalini and Hatha Yoga

✓ Meditation


The training is characterized by its diversity with only one goal in mind:


✓ Accelerate your spiritual growth

✓ Recognize and dissolve unfavorable beliefs

✓ To get to know your strengths

✓ You will receive efficient tools for your individual process


This course is for all people:


✓ who want to dive deeper into the great yoga world.

✓ who want to support and strengthen their spiritual path

✓ who want to get simple tools for daily problems




Be ready for your I 2.0 and start the journey with us.

"Yoga is a system of understanding one’s own nature, becoming the master of that nature and using that mastery for a higher purpose"

(Swami Rama)

✓  The program consists of 12 modules over 12 weekends.
✓  The modules are worked through from 1-12. However, they can be completed on different weekends.
✓  The shortest version of the entire course spans 12 months.
✓  The modules are booked and paid individually.

Each module costs between CHF 120.- - CHF 180.-


Practice in class 100 hours

Yoga - Asana, -Philosophie, - Pranayama, -Meditation, -12 step principles, epigenetic 

For info and subscription send an E-mail to 


Dates for the courses 2024: 14th January (Modul 1), 4th February (M2), 10th March (M3), 7th April (M4), 12th May (M5), 9th June (M6), 14th July (M7), 25th August (M8), 29th September (M9), 27th October (M10), 17th November (M11), 15th December (M12)


Dates for the immersions for old students 2024: 13th January, 3rd February, 9th March, 6th April, 11th May, 9th June, 13th July,

24th August, 28th September, 26th October, 16th November, 14th December

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